Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Helper Sibley

Etching the PETG plastic for a new piece - hummingbird. Stay tuned, a major experiment.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Mose the Stick Dog

Both pups chase the stick every evening, but then time to get down to work and photograph eagles. They are so patient with me, as I tell them, "Five more minutes," over and over again. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024


 Male coming in tonight and this is sure fun, mostly.

Monday, April 22, 2024


Last night the male eagle flew right over my head and landed 20 feet straight up in cottonwood on the beach. He watched, preened his feathers, maybe just curious. The dogs started barking at the big bird, and he finally split after about 10 minutes. What a treat.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Nice Joke

Did anyone else spot the plastic Canada Goose hunting decoy at the top of a snag on the south end of Metcalf Refuge? Only there a week, maybe less, and makes you stop and scratch your head, what is that?

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Florence Kids

Yesterday we had a fun program for the kindergarten kids here at Florence Elementary. Our favorite teacher Julia White got this snapshot of students with Portia hooting up an owl, and promising they will go outside this spring and summer. Big day for young Bodie the American Kestrel - her first program and a Superstar,  plus she didn't mind Mischa the Peregrine watching from behind.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Yesterday's Osprey Nests

Local and five or six observed Sunday. Maybe seven, let me count.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

More Hammering Woodpeckers

This week the migrating Red-naped Sapsuckers returned with their signature tapping - on the metal sculptures all over the yard. Sapsuckers drum beats start fast and slow down, signature. And resident Northern Flickers in abundance. Seems like someone is always tapping, signaling his territory. No insects inside those creatures.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Minutes Old

Just finished this etching. I spent a week on some Sandhill Cranes on Claybord, scratchboard, cattle markers and cheep Walgreens art material and finally gave up. So cranked this drypoint out the last few days, and tried a few new experiments with the Akua ink. Sharp-shinned Hawk on our power line in the yard. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Eagle Nest

The eagle nest across the river, constructed in 2011. Watching through the scope in the house and seeing her incubate (?) I guestimated that hatching began yesterday. Today the male flew in with a Columbian ground squirrel and she split to take a little break. Hadn't seen much of him lately and thanks pals-this will be fun!


Couple More


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Northern Harrier

My favorite hawk, and saw six of these today at Lee Metcalf NWR, plus three occupied Osprey nests, seven Red-tails, and a bunch of Turkey Vultures. It's happening NOW!

Friday, April 5, 2024

First Friday!

 Join me and the avian artists at Gallery 709 for our "Birds Are Back" Show! From 5-9 pm tonight, 709 Ronan Street in Missoula just off S. 6th W. and Russell St., then up all month.  

Kate Davis, Sally Hickman, Tom Melhuse, Alan Wikoff, and Tom Zavitz

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Disaster Artist

You can't win them all and my latest piece just doesn't work. Sandhill Cranes first on Claybord, then scratchboard yesterday. Scored on the nine pieces before this in the last few months, and number ten is a disaster. I tried every single medium known to womankind including cheap Walgreens’s magic markers, oil pastels, gouache paint, Akua ink, and cattle markers. Even broke one Rapidograph pen tip, expensive experiment for that reason! Time to take a break and working on them all day since Tuesday. Then back at it with something that I know works…like an etching!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024